Workshop on Tools and Indicators for Assessing Urban Resilience

December 7-10, 2015, The University of Tokyo, Japan

December 7

Measuring Urban Resilience

Chairs: Ayyoob Sharifi, Yoshiki Yamagata

Opening remarks by the hosts
Yoshiki Yamagata,
Kensuke Fukushi
Workshop outline/rationale
Ayyoob Sharifi
An overview of existing tools for assessing urban resilience
Ayyoob Sharifi
Climate Disaster Resilience Indexing of Asian Cities: An Action Based Approach(PDF, 4.06 MB)
Rajib Shaw
Urban Resilience: Methodological Foundations and Resilience Matrix Approach
Cate Fox-Lent,
Igor Linkov
Towards the development of an integrated Sustainability and Resilience Benefits Assessment (SRBA) framework of urban interventions(PDF, 4.76 MB)
Grafakos Stelios et al.
Urban Resilience and Transformation: Implications for assessment indicators(PDF, 5.85 MB)
Marta Olazabal
What's under the city resilience umbrella? Aligning Resilience and the Urban 2030 Agenda(PDF, 2.09 MB)
Lorenzo Chelleri
Discussion and wrap up

Resilience planning in the Asia-Pacific region

Chairs: Rajib Shaw, Darryn McEvoy

December 8

Resilience planning in the Asia-Pacific region (continued)

Chairs: Yoshiki Yamagata, Susie Moloney

December 9

Concluding session on Urban Resilience indicators

Chairs: Perry Yang, Yoshiki Yamagata

Land Use Scenarios for Assessing Urban Resilience
Yoshiki Yamagata
Energy Resilient Urban Systems: A Design Perspective
Perry P. J. Yang
Future Urbanization and the Management of Urban Heat Risk(PDF, 5.64 MB)
Peter Marcotullio
Linking Knowledge to Action — Urban Resilience, Social Innovations, and Community Energy
Christian Dimmer
Discussion and wrap up

WUDAPT project development in collaboration with URCM

Chairs: Linda See, Johannes Feddema

The Urban Knowledge Network (UKAN)(PDF, 272 KB)
Xuemei Bai
The WUDAPT initiative: overview, data collection and progress to date(PDF, 7.60 MB)
Linda See
Applications of WUDAPT(PDF, 6.73 MB)
Johannes Feddema
The WUDAPT agenda
Johannes Feddema,
Linda See
Possible Support of Geospatial Data Provision to the WUDAPT and UKAN(PDF, 7.45 MB)
Hiroyuki Miyazaki et al.
Panel discussion
Wrap up