GCP Workshop at Toyota High-level Symposium on Sustainable Cities
January 15–16, 2015, Toyota, Japan
- Workshop Agenda(PDF, 118 KB)
January 15
Urban design and metabolism
Co-chairs: Perry Yang and Ayyoob Sharifi
- Overview of GCP activities and Objective of the workshop(PDF, 1.4 MB)
- Yoshiki Yamagata
and Ayyoob Sharifi
- Neighbourhood development: Towards regenerative & net-positive outcomes
- Raymond Cole
- Integrated infrastructure: Opportunities for major efficiency improvement in design of urban systems
- Ben Schwegler
- Future of mobility(PDF, 4.0 MB)
- Nebojsa Nakicenovic
- Design for urban metabolism: From 1950s–1970s Japanese metabolism to the post-oil city design theory(PDF, 7.0 MB)
- Perry Yang
- Co-design through Virtual Design and Construction (VDC)(PDF, 5.0 MB)
- Cheryl Chi
- Weight of Cities —Social Material Metabolism and Sustainability—(PDF, 11.3 MB)
- Hiroki Tanikawa
- Land use scenarios: Trade-offs between benefits and risks(PDF, 3.5 MB)
- Yoshiki Yamagata and
Daisuke Murakami
Ecosystem services
Co-chairs: Florian Kraxner and Ayyoob Sharifi
- Economic-ecological tradeoffs: spatially explicit scenarios for the Alps at different scales(PDF, 994 KB)
- Sabine Fuss
- Balancing renewable energy and ecosystems services at different scales in the European Alps—possible lessons to learn for Japan(PDF, 9.0 MB)
- Florian Kraxner
- Supply and demand of ecosystem services in urban and rural areas—case in Toyota and Nagoya, Japan(PDF, 963 KB)
- Kiichiro Hayashi
January 16
Social innovation for sustainability
Co-chairs: Christian Dimmer and Yoshiki Yamagata
- Ecourbanism Worldwide: Comparing the case of Climate Positive communities and the global ecovillage perspective(PDF, 2.8 MB)
- Meg Holden
- Low Carbon transitioning and processes of social change(PDF, 1.3 MB)
- Susie Moloney
- Social Innovations & New “Commons”: Bottom-up Strategies for Adaptive Change and Community Resilience(PDF, 1.4 MB)
- Christian Dimmer
- A new lifestyle of a sustainable society through the reduction of CO2 emission; A proposal based on the calculation by family expenditure and Environmental Input and Output Table for recent three decades in Japan(PDF, 2.7 MB)
- Chiho Oyabu
Social innovation for enhancing community well-being(PDF, 1.6 MB)
A Mutual learning Platform: A Consumer-Supplier Collaboration Experiment(PDF, 895 KB)
Evaluating the change of pro-environmental behaviors based on psychological Models(PDF, 1022 KB)
Yoshiki Yamagata
Naomi Oda
Eri Aoki
Discussion sessions on the joint project proposal
Co-chairs: Nebojsa Nakicenovic and Yoshiki Yamagata
Human Settlements and Climate Change Mitigation: Key findings from the latest IPCC WG3 report(PDF, 1.4 MB)
Urban transport scenario of Yangon, Myanmar(PDF, 1.5 MB)
Shobhakar Dhakal
Ye Thu Win
- Economic impact of inter-mega city high speed train(PDF, 3.2 MB)
- Atsushi Koike
- Introduction to MaGNET & possible implications for URCM(PDF, 297 KB)
- Sabine Fuss
- Community-based approach to climate change response and Disaster mitigation: Cases in Nagoya City(PDF, 18.1 MB)
- Akito Murayama
- Principles and Criteria for Assessing Urban Energy Resilience(PDF, 855 KB)
- Ayyoob Sharifi