URCM Special Sessions in ICUE 2014 Conference
March 19–21, 2014, Pattaya City, Thailand
- Brief Workshop Report(PDF, 40 KB)
Special Session on Energy Resilience
March 20
- Smart Community Clustering for Sharing Local Green Energy(PDF, 3.0 MB)
- A Dynamic Solar Irradiance Model for Assessing Solar PV Power Generation Potential in Urban Areas
- Towards an Agent-Based Model of Urban Electricity(PDF, 543 KB)
- Towards Collective Arrangements to Foster Photovoltaics in Agriculture(PDF, 628 KB)
- Spatially Explicit Land Use and Energy Scenario of Tokyo Using Household Level Microdata(PDF, 1.5 MB)
- Creating Municipality Level Floor Space Stock Data in Japan by Spatial Statistics Based Areal Interpolation Method(PDF, 3.2 MB)
- Design and Evaluation of an Electricity Consumption Metering and Visualization System for Households(PDF, 1.1 MB)
Special Session on Other Aspects of Resilience
March 21
- General Resilience: Taxonomy and Strategies
- Evaluating the Sustainability of an Ecological System Based on Evolutionary Multi-Agent Simulations
- Major Principles and Criteria for Development of an Urban Resilience Assessment Index(PDF, 214 KB)
- The Necessity of Using Sky View Factor in Urban Planning: A Case Study of Narmak Neighborhood, Tehran(PDF, 975 KB)
- Design and Implementation of a Risk Indicator Distribution System for Flood Situations(PDF, 1.9 MB)