Future Earth/Global Carbon Project International Workshop on “Towards Green Smart Cities in the IoT Era”
March 19–21, 2018, The University of Tokyo (Ito International Research Center)
- Workshop program(PDF, 193 KB)
March 19
Morning session
Chairs: Yoshiki Yamagata (NIES), Perry Yang (Georgia Tech)
- Opening remarks / Aims of the workshop / Introductions(PDF, 3.7 MB)
- Fumiko Kasuga (FE-Hub),
Thomas Elmqvist (Stockholm Resilience Center),
Ayyoob Sharifi (GCP-TIO),
Akito Murayama (The University of Tokyo)
- Urban Systems Design – A Model of Smart City 2017 Smart City Design Proposal for Urawa Misono(PDF, 11.3 MB)
- Perry Yang,
Yoshiki Yamagata,
Hiroaki Nishi (Keio University)
IoT technologies and ICTs for Smart Cities
- Building a Smart Future with Data: The Open API Ecosystem Approach
- Yasunori Mochizuki (NEC Corporation)
- Ericsson city level engagement including solutions and activities
- Pernilla Bergmark (Ericsson)
- Methods and standards for GHG assessments of ICT impacts at a city level
- Pernilla Bergmark
- Discussion:
- How to get from today’s situation to the ideal state of Green Urban Systems Design by making use of IoT/ICTs businesses, planning/design and communities?
Afternoon session
Chairs: Akito Murayama, Eliot Allen (Criterion Planners)
Smart City in the Japanese Context: District-Scale Challenges
- Prospects and Challenges for Planning Green Smart Cities and Communities(PDF, 41.1 MB)
- Akito Murayama
- Investments for Green Smart Cities and Communities
- Kensuke Nishiyama (Development Bank of Japan)
- Smart City Standards & Certification Globally(PDF, 2.0 MB)
- Eliot Allen
- Experiences from smart city indicator development including introduction to the indicators from ITU
- Pernilla Bergmark
- Discussion:
- Global perspective: What is happening around the world? – Frameworks, standards, platforms, etc.
- Development and improvement of certification systems for promoting green smart cities
- Communication and knowledge gaps between different stakeholders (industry, academia, local authorities, citizens)
- Challenges in Japan: Co-design process involving various actors
March 20
EPB Symposium on Urban Systems Design
Morning session
Chairs: Yoshiki Yamagata
- Introduction
- Perry Yang,
Yoshiki Yamagata
Session 1: Urban Form and Performance
- 1.1 Statistical distribution of building lot depth and density of buildings and roads: Application for the Tokyo Downtown Districts(PDF, 2.5 MB)
- Hiroyuki Usui (University of Tokyo)
- 1.2 Urban form and Limits of On Demand Mobility
- Dimitrios Papanikolaou (University of North Carolina, Charlotte)
- 1.3 Urban form, energy and emissions: spatial simulation of climate change solutions(PDF, 5.7 MB)
- Jonathan Salter (University of British Columbia)
Session 2: Energy System Driven Urban Design
- 2.1 A Home System of Practice Analysis of Low Carbon Precinct Residents Motivations: WGV Case Study(PDF, 3.6 MB)
- Jessica Breadsell (Curtin University)
- 2.2 Community Energy by Design: A Simulation-based Design Workflow using Measured Data Clustering to Calibrate Urban Building Energy Models(PDF, 2.6 MB)
- Tarek Rakha (Syracuse University)
- 2.3 An Engineering-based Approach to Support Urban Design(PDF, 2.2 MB)
- Helen Chen (Disney Imagineering)
Session 3: Interactive Urban Design
- 3.1 Benchmark: Open Sourcing the Measurement of Public Life(PDF, 5.0 MB)
- Michael Pearce (MIT)
- 3.2 Urban Social Interactive design: Transmitting Urban Information as a Spatial Mediator in Real-time(PDF, 1.1 MB)
- Sookyung Chun (Harvard University)
- 3.3 The Quality of Place on Streets: a human-centred measurement based on machine learning and street view images
- Yu Ye (Tongji University)
Afternoon session
Chairs: Perry Yang
Session 4a: GCP related studies on green smart cities
- IoT/Big-Data and Green Smart City(PDF, 15.4 MB)
- Yoshiki Yamagata
- Coping with uncertainties in MaaS implementation: an adaptive approach(PDF, 997 KB)
- Peraphan Jittrapirom (Radboud University)
- How we know if a smart city will produce happy people?(PDF, 1.7 MB)
- Leena Ilmora (IIASA)
Session 4b: Tokyo Smart City Studio
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- University of Tokyo
- Concluding Keynote Speech: Smart City from Science for Design to Design in Science
- Michael Batty (University College London)
March 21
Project proposal and book editorial meeting
- Follow-up on the first and second day discussions.
- Brainstorming project proposals on a new certification system for Green Smart Cities
- Participants of the workshop are welcome to participate
- The 10 House Living Labs(PDF, 1.8 MB) Presented by Christine Eon (Curtin University)
- Editorial meeting for the Elsevier Smart City book series outline
- http://scitechconnect.elsevier.com/elseviers-new-smart-cities-book-series-launched/
- Urban Systems Design for Smart Communities in the IoT Era