Future Earth/Global Carbon Project International Workshop on “Towards Green Smart Cities in the IoT Era”

March 19–21, 2018, The University of Tokyo (Ito International Research Center)

March 19

Morning session

Chairs: Yoshiki Yamagata (NIES), Perry Yang (Georgia Tech)

Opening remarks / Aims of the workshop / Introductions(PDF, 3.7 MB)
Fumiko Kasuga (FE-Hub),
Thomas Elmqvist (Stockholm Resilience Center),
Ayyoob Sharifi (GCP-TIO),
Akito Murayama (The University of Tokyo)
Urban Systems Design – A Model of Smart City 2017 Smart City Design Proposal for Urawa Misono(PDF, 11.3 MB)
Perry Yang,
Yoshiki Yamagata,
Hiroaki Nishi (Keio University)

IoT technologies and ICTs for Smart Cities

Building a Smart Future with Data: The Open API Ecosystem Approach
Yasunori Mochizuki (NEC Corporation)
Ericsson city level engagement including solutions and activities
Pernilla Bergmark (Ericsson)
Methods and standards for GHG assessments of ICT impacts at a city level
Pernilla Bergmark
How to get from today’s situation to the ideal state of Green Urban Systems Design by making use of IoT/ICTs businesses, planning/design and communities?

Afternoon session

Chairs: Akito Murayama, Eliot Allen (Criterion Planners)

Smart City in the Japanese Context: District-Scale Challenges

Prospects and Challenges for Planning Green Smart Cities and Communities(PDF, 41.1 MB)
Akito Murayama
Investments for Green Smart Cities and Communities
Kensuke Nishiyama (Development Bank of Japan)
Smart City Standards & Certification Globally(PDF, 2.0 MB)
Eliot Allen
Experiences from smart city indicator development including introduction to the indicators from ITU
Pernilla Bergmark
  • Global perspective: What is happening around the world? – Frameworks, standards, platforms, etc.
  • Development and improvement of certification systems for promoting green smart cities
  • Communication and knowledge gaps between different stakeholders (industry, academia, local authorities, citizens)
  • Challenges in Japan: Co-design process involving various actors

March 20
EPB Symposium on Urban Systems Design

Morning session

Chairs: Yoshiki Yamagata

Perry Yang,
Yoshiki Yamagata

Session 1: Urban Form and Performance

1.1 Statistical distribution of building lot depth and density of buildings and roads: Application for the Tokyo Downtown Districts(PDF, 2.5 MB)
Hiroyuki Usui (University of Tokyo)
1.2 Urban form and Limits of On Demand Mobility
Dimitrios Papanikolaou (University of North Carolina, Charlotte)
1.3 Urban form, energy and emissions: spatial simulation of climate change solutions(PDF, 5.7 MB)
Jonathan Salter (University of British Columbia)

Session 2: Energy System Driven Urban Design

2.1 A Home System of Practice Analysis of Low Carbon Precinct Residents Motivations: WGV Case Study(PDF, 3.6 MB)
Jessica Breadsell (Curtin University)
2.2 Community Energy by Design: A Simulation-based Design Workflow using Measured Data Clustering to Calibrate Urban Building Energy Models(PDF, 2.6 MB)
Tarek Rakha (Syracuse University)
2.3 An Engineering-based Approach to Support Urban Design(PDF, 2.2 MB)
Helen Chen (Disney Imagineering)

Session 3: Interactive Urban Design

3.1 Benchmark: Open Sourcing the Measurement of Public Life(PDF, 5.0 MB)
Michael Pearce (MIT)
3.2 Urban Social Interactive design: Transmitting Urban Information as a Spatial Mediator in Real-time(PDF, 1.1 MB)
Sookyung Chun (Harvard University)
3.3 The Quality of Place on Streets: a human-centred measurement based on machine learning and street view images
Yu Ye (Tongji University)

Afternoon session

Chairs: Perry Yang

Session 4a: GCP related studies on green smart cities

IoT/Big-Data and Green Smart City(PDF, 15.4 MB)
Yoshiki Yamagata
Coping with uncertainties in MaaS implementation: an adaptive approach(PDF, 997 KB)
Peraphan Jittrapirom (Radboud University)
How we know if a smart city will produce happy people?(PDF, 1.7 MB)
Leena Ilmora (IIASA)

Session 4b: Tokyo Smart City Studio

  • Georgia Institute of Technology
  • University of Tokyo
Concluding Keynote Speech: Smart City from Science for Design to Design in Science
Michael Batty (University College London)

March 21
Project proposal and book editorial meeting

  • Follow-up on the first and second day discussions.
  • Brainstorming project proposals on a new certification system for Green Smart Cities
  • Participants of the workshop are welcome to participate