GCP-WUDAPT Workshop on Global Urban Carbon Mapping: For Contribution to Future Earth Knowledge Action Networks

June 29 – July 1, 2016, Hotel Freienhof Thun, Switzerland

June 29

Opening remarks / Aims of the workshop / Introductions

Possible Approaches for Urban Carbon Mapping: From national (municipality inventory based) to district (Remote sensing based) level case studies in Japan(PDF, 3.04 MB)
Yoshiki Yamagata
Global Carbon Atlas: towards city emissions component (PDF, 664 KB)
Anna Peregon
An Introduction to the WUDAPT project(PDF, 6.94 MB)
Gerald Mills
Work in Progress towards WUDAPT 1 & 2 and linked GCP: Preliminary considerations(PDF, 6.38 MB)
Jason Ching
Wrap Up/Summary
GCP and WUDAPT on the global scale(PDF, 1.81 MB)
Johan Feddema
WUDAPT: A relevant data producing tool? Overviewing new strategies(PDF, 1.92 MB)
Oscar Brousse
Dev Niyogi
The Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL)
Martino Pesaresi
From Urban Carbon Mapping to Urban Systems Design of Near Zero(PDF, 9.47 MB)
Perry Yang
Building urban typologies by contextualized accounting of GHG emissions(PDF, 13.0 MB)
Felix Creutzig
Urban form’s implications on energy and infrastructure cost in eight cities in Thailand
Shobhakar Dhakal
and Arkarlat Kunvitaya
GAW Urban Research Meteorology and Environment Project (GURME)(PDF, 3.79 MB)
Veronique Bouchet
An Urban Carbon emissions estimation framework(PDF, 7.60 MB)
Kevin Gurney
Multi-Resolution Analysis – MRA: a powerful tool for analyzing multi-scale data(PDF, 3.89 MB)
M. Neophytou
Wrap Up/Summary

June 30

Opening remarks

  • Discussion on synergies between GCP and WUDAPT for carbon emission mapping and modelling
  • Development of a draft GCP-WUDAPT project proposal on carbon emission mapping and modelling
  • Presentation of the draft GCP-WUDAPT project proposal on carbon emission mapping and modelling
  • Discussion and brainstorming to revise the draft plan
  • Discussion of existing resources on urban carbon emission mapping
  • Recommend potential global cities to start with
  • Outline potential contribution/inputs from participants

July 1

  • Report back a summary of discussions to Future Earth representatives
  • Opportunities to collaborate with Future Earth UKAN, DKAN and other core projects
  • Create a list of action items
  • Outline of a paper to a high level journal
Continued meetings with Future Earth and UKAN