GCP-WUDAPT Workshop on Global Urban Carbon Mapping: For Contribution to Future Earth Knowledge Action Networks
June 29 – July 1, 2016, Hotel Freienhof Thun, Switzerland
- Workshop program(PDF, 369 KB)
June 29
Opening remarks / Aims of the workshop / Introductions
- Possible Approaches for Urban Carbon Mapping: From national (municipality inventory based) to district (Remote sensing based) level case studies in Japan(PDF, 3.04 MB)
- Yoshiki Yamagata
- Global Carbon Atlas: towards city emissions component (PDF, 664 KB)
- Anna Peregon
- An Introduction to the WUDAPT project(PDF, 6.94 MB)
- Gerald Mills
- Work in Progress towards WUDAPT 1 & 2 and linked GCP: Preliminary considerations(PDF, 6.38 MB)
- Jason Ching
- Wrap Up/Summary
- GCP and WUDAPT on the global scale(PDF, 1.81 MB)
- Johan Feddema
- WUDAPT: A relevant data producing tool? Overviewing new strategies(PDF, 1.92 MB)
- Oscar Brousse
- Dev Niyogi
- The Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL)
- Martino Pesaresi
- From Urban Carbon Mapping to Urban Systems Design of Near Zero(PDF, 9.47 MB)
- Perry Yang
- Building urban typologies by contextualized accounting of GHG emissions(PDF, 13.0 MB)
- Felix Creutzig
- Urban form’s implications on energy and infrastructure cost in eight cities in Thailand
- Shobhakar Dhakal
and Arkarlat Kunvitaya
- GAW Urban Research Meteorology and Environment Project (GURME)(PDF, 3.79 MB)
- Veronique Bouchet
- An Urban Carbon emissions estimation framework(PDF, 7.60 MB)
- Kevin Gurney
- Multi-Resolution Analysis – MRA: a powerful tool for analyzing multi-scale data(PDF, 3.89 MB)
- M. Neophytou
- Wrap Up/Summary
June 30
Opening remarks
- Discussion on synergies between GCP and WUDAPT for carbon emission mapping and modelling
- Development of a draft GCP-WUDAPT project proposal on carbon emission mapping and modelling
- Presentation of the draft GCP-WUDAPT project proposal on carbon emission mapping and modelling
- Discussion and brainstorming to revise the draft plan
- Discussion of existing resources on urban carbon emission mapping
- Recommend potential global cities to start with
- Outline potential contribution/inputs from participants
July 1
- Report back a summary of discussions to Future Earth representatives
- Opportunities to collaborate with Future Earth UKAN, DKAN and other core projects
- Create a list of action items
- Outline of a paper to a high level journal
- Continued meetings with Future Earth and UKAN