GCP URCM Seminar Series: Integrated Assessment of Cities and Climate Change

November 02, 2007 in Tsukuba, Japan
Organized by Global Carbon Project (GCP)

Seminar Abstract

Dr. Richard Dawson is a core researcher with the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research: Cities Programme which is led from Newcastle University. In this seminar he will first review the importance, and identify some of the challenges, of sustainable management of cities to address global climate change. Subsequently he will introduce the Tyndall Centre's Cities Programme and describe how methods for greenhouse gas emissions accounting and climate impacts analysis are being integrated to provide a framework for testing the effectiveness of city-wide adaptation and mitigation strategies.

Speaker Profile

Dr. Richard Dawson

Dr. Richard Dawson was awarded his PhD from Bristol University for his work on the management of complex infrastructure systems. He is currently a Senior Researcher in the Earth Systems Engineering group at Newcastle University where he is developing methods for risk assessment, uncertainty analysis and decision-making under conditions of climatic and socio-economic change. In summer 2003 he was a visiting researcher at the Disaster Prevention Research Institute at Kyoto University.

Seminar Presentation


Shobhakar Dhakal