Symposium “Tracking GHG emissions at the sub-city level: methods and implications for meeting the Paris Agreement and catalyzing decarbonization”

The Institute for Future Initiatives (IFI) at the University of Tokyo and the Global Carbon Project (GCP) at NIES will co-organize a 1-day symposium on:
“Tracking GHG emissions at the sub-city level: methods and implications for meeting the Paris Agreement and catalyzing decarbonization”

The main theme of the event will be on sub-city carbon/energy mapping and how it can provide information and insights to guide decision-making and catalyse urban de-carbonization. Following academic presentations a panel discussion with practitioners will further discuss how the main findings can be uptaken effectively and identify further gaps and priority areas.

Please find complete information about the event in the attached brochure.

Date: Wednesday 20 November, from 9:30 am.
Address: Sanjo Conference Hall, at the Hongo Campus of the University of Tokyo.

Attendance is free of charge and the event will be held in English.

You can register here:

We are particularly happy to invite postgraduate students (MSc or PhD) to submit posters on themes related to the symposium.

Interested students should send the title and a 150–200 word abstract to:
Dr. Alexandros Gasparatos:
Mr. Vinmara Mathur:

Please send your poster proposals by 11 November. Invited participants will be notified by 13 November.