CGER Reports

Data Book of Sea-Level Rise 2000

One of the most serious impacts induced by climate change is the rise in global mean sea level. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) indicated in its Second Assessment Report, published in December of 1995, that by 2100 an increase in global mean sea level might range from 15 cm to 90 cm, with 50 cm as the most probable value, assuming the Business-As-Usual scenario. In the Asian and Pacific regions, the anticipated sea-level rise may cause serious damage to human living conditions as well as the natural environment, in Bangladesh where a large area of the country is below 1 meter in elevation, in China, Thailand, and Vietnam which have large cities in low coastal areas, and in many small island nations such as Tuvalu and Kiribati. In order to promote measures to deal with global warming, this type of information should be made widely available.

Based on an awareness of the importance of this issue, we published "Data Book of Sea-Level Rise" (First Edition) in February 1996. It has been welcomed and used on many occasions including symposiums, international conferences, seminars, and JICA training courses.

After publication of the First Edition, progress has been made in developing international mechanisms to arrest global warming, as agreed in the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, and in studies about the impacts of and responses to climate change. This new edition of the Data Book was designed to incorporate new information acquired during recent years.

This Data Book was completed by an Editorial Committee consisiting of leading experts in each related field, with the cooperation of many others. We hope this Data Book will be of great help for researchers in related fields as well as for the general public.


  1. Objectives and Structure of the Data Book of Sea-Level Rise
  2. Mechanisms and Projections of Global Warming and Sea-Level Rise
  3. Impacts of Sea-Level Rise on Coastal Zones
  4. Impact Assessment Studies and Country Studies
  5. International Programs and Activities
  6. Response Strategies and Adaptation

This data book can be obtained free of charge from the CGER database section.

The third editon, the reprint of the secong with corrections, has been issued.

Errata of the first edition

Page 87, Fig.4-4-1-1
Distribution of areas below 5m elevation.
Distribution of areas below high tide level (storm surge level). One red point represents a 1km×1km area.