GCP URCM Seminar

June 04, 2010 in Tsukuba, Japan
Time: 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Location: Conference Room 1, Climate Change Research Hall at the National Institute for Environmental Studies
Organized by Global Carbon Project (GCP)

Presentation 1:

Dr. Diptiranjan Mahaptra
Fellow of Indian Institute of Management(IEEM),
Visiting Researcher of Hiroshima University

Topic: "How Sustainable is India’s Energy System: A Life-cycle and Modeling Perspective"
Abstract: Download here (pdf format).
Presentation: Download here (pdf format).

Presentation 2:

Prof. Ram Manohar Shrestha
Former professor of Asian Institute of Technology,
Visiting Professor of Hiroshima University

Topic: "Greenhouse Gas Abatement Potential and Costs in Four South Asian Countries"


Shobhakar Dhakal