
The contribution of site to washout and rainout: precipitation chemistry based on sample analysis from 0.5 mm precipitation increments and numerical simulation

Aikawa M., Kajino M., Hiraki T., Mukai H.
Atmospheric Environment 95, 165-174

Datasets of precipitation chemistry at a precipitation resolution of 0.5 mm from three sites were studied to determine whether the washout and rainout mechanisms differed with site type (urban, suburban, rural). Rainout accounted for approximately one-third of the total NO3 deposition and washout contributed two-thirds, irrespective of the site type, although the washout contribution at the urban site (over 70%) was larger than that at the other two sites. The rainout mechanism and the washout mechanism both accounted for about half the total SO42− deposition at the suburban and rural sites, whereas at the urban site the rainout contribution was over 80%. A chemical transport model produced similar levels of washout and rainout contributions as the precipitation chemistry data.



  • 1. 降水が多くなると雲下洗浄は起こらないと仮定し計算すると、硝酸成分(硫酸成分とともに降水を酸性化する成分の一つ)については、3地点とも雲内洗浄及び雲下洗浄がそれぞれ約1/3及び2/3の寄与となった。
  • 2. 硫酸成分については郊外域・田園地域では雲内洗浄及び雲下洗浄がそれぞれ約1/2ずつの寄与割合であったが、都市域では雲内洗浄の寄与割合が高く、成分濃度の高い霧や大気から雲への二酸化硫黄の付加が可能性として考察された。
  • 3. 数値シミュレーション(3次元領域化学輸送モデルRAQM2)でも、硫酸成分に比べ硝酸成分で雲下洗浄の寄与割合が高い等、整合的な結果が得られた。