
Fire regimes and variability in aboveground woody biomass in miombo woodland

Saito M., Luyssaert S., Poulter B., Williams M., Ciais P., Bellassen V., Ryan C. M., Yue C., Cadule P., Peylin P.
J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci., 119, 1014-1029

This study combined a process-based ecosystem model with a fire regime model to understand the effect of changes in fire regime and climate pattern on woody plants of miombo woodland in African savanna. Miombo woodland covers wide areas in Africa and is subject to frequent anthropogenic fires. The model was developed based on observations of tree topkill rates in individual tree size classes for fire intensity and resprouting. Using current and near-future climate patterns, the model simulated the dynamics of miombo woodland for various fire return intervals and grass cover fractions, allowing fire intensity to be estimated. There was a significant relationship between aboveground woody biomass and long-term fire regimes. An abrupt increase in fire intensity and/or fire frequency applied as a model forcing led to reduced long-term average aboveground woody biomass and mean tree size. Fire intensity increased with increasing living grass biomass (which provides increased flammable fuel), thereby affecting the relationship between fire regime and tree size, creating a demographic bottleneck on the route to tree maturity. For the current fire regime in miombo woodland, with a fire return interval of about 1.6–3 years, the model-predicted fire intensity lower than 930–1700 kWm−1 is necessary to maintain today’s aboveground woody biomass under current climate conditions. Future climate change was predicted to have a significant positive effect on woody plants in miombo woodland associated with elevated CO2 concentration and warming, allowing woody plants to survive more effectively against periodic fires.


本研究は、森林火災と地上部バイオマスに関するモザンビークでの現地調査データに基づき、陸域生態系モデルORCHIDEE-FMと火災モデルSPITFIREの結合モデルを作成し、ミオンボ林地上部バイオマスと森林火災及び気候変動の関係を明らかにした。その結果、(1) 森林火災の発生頻度もしくは火災強度の増加は地上部バイオマス及び樹高の低下を招くこと、(2) 草原バイオマスの増加は火災強度を高め、成熟林への成長の障害になること、(3) 現在の地上部バイオマスを維持するためには火入れの時期を乾季の始めに移し、火災を管理する必要があること、(4) 将来の大気CO2濃度及び気温の上昇は、ミオンボ林の炭素固定能力及び成長速度を高め、森林火災への抵抗力を高める可能性が高いこと、等がわかった。
