
Global-scale analysis on future changes in flow regimes using Gini and Lorenz asymmetry coefficients

Masaki Y., Hanasaki N., Takahashi K., Hijioka Y.
Water Resources Research, 50(5), 4054-4078

By introducing two scalar quantities, namely, the Gini and Lorenz asymmetry coefficients, we examined their characteristics and applicability to the global analysis of changes in river flow regimes under future climate change. First, by applying these coefficients to river discharge data, we showed that various types of flow-duration curves can be interpreted quantitatively in terms of the seasonal inequality in the discharge (i.e., the unevenness of the temporal distribution of river discharge). Their statistical characteristics, based on five theoretical distribution functions frequently used in hydrological analysis, were also shown. Next we used these coefficients to evaluate the seasonal inequality of major global rivers using the global hydrological model H08 for four 30 year time spans (1960–1989, 2010–2039, 2040–2069, and 2070–2099) under four climate-change scenarios. We used ensembles of hydrological simulation results with five general circulation models. From the analysis of the Gini coefficient, future changes in seasonal inequality show a contrasting geographical pattern: a decreasing trend at high northern latitudes and an increasing trend in most other areas. The Lorenz asymmetry coefficient shows large changes at high northern latitudes, attributable to major shifts in the flow regime accompanied by different snow-melting properties under different future climate scenarios. Although a flow-duration curve is a pictorial representation of river discharge suitable for one specific site, by depicting the geographical distribution of these two coefficients along river channels, different characteristics of flow-duration curves at different sites can be detected, even within the same river basin.


解析の結果、北半球高緯度では、将来の流量の季節変動が小さくなり、それ以外の緯度帯では大きくなる傾向が見られた。積雪地域の河川で見られる温暖化の影響は、(1) 流域に積もった雪が春先の一時期に集中して融け、河川流量が短期間で急増する変化と、(2) 冬季にも徐々に雪が融けることで、春先の雪融け出水が緩和される変化の二つがあり、地域や温暖化の進行レベルによって、どちらの効果が支配的になるかが異なる。雪融け出水に典型的な河川流況を端的に表すことができる指標がこれまでなかったため、このような流況を示す地域の地理的分布を表すことが難しかった。しかし、この二つの係数を用いることで、気候変動による河川流況の変化を地図上で表現できるため、地域による河川流量の季節偏在性の違いを検出できるようになった。